Monday, May 6, 2013

Tulip Time

     If you are not from Holland MI, or from anywhere around there, you probably have no idea what Tulip Time is. I was born here, and grew up here my entire life, so for me - Tulip Time is part of my blood.
      For anyone that does not know, Tulip Time is a week in Holland where we celebrate our heritage and well Tulips! We are a Very Dutch community, originally from the Netherlands, and so that is where this tradition comes from. Tulip Time consists of parades, unhealthy fair food, time off of school, dutch dancing, tulips, tourists, windmills, and much more. If you don't know anything about it, I would suggest looking it up - or even better, coming! It's in the book 1000 Things To Do Before You Die, so its not just a little festival that only our town gives off. It is quite a huge event, and it is one of two places in the whole of America this goes on. The other is in Pella Iowa, which is another Very Dutch community.
     I wanted to just give you a little back sight for what Tulip Time is, because it just happens to be going on this week! This means that I will be blogging a lot about it this week. My goal is to post something everyday about Tulip Time, but we will see because it is a busy week as well. That is because I am a Dutch Dancer. Yes, we do have a traditional dance, and yes we have to were authentic costumes. It is pretty sweet. We have been practicing twice a week, before school, since January. So it is a pretty big deal. I will for sure be posting more about it later, since I dance at least once every day.
      Last year we had a stem fest, because all the tulips bloomed way too early. But this year they are PERFECT, which to be honest - is rare. Tulip Time officially started last Thursday, and kicked off this weekend but it goes on until next Saturday, which is the last day. So I have a full week of fun ahead.
      Side Note: If you have Any questions about Tulip Time, feel free to comment, I will make sure to answer.
      I hope you enjoy this coming week, I know I sure will. Go outside, enjoy the nice whether (if the whether is nice by you, which I hope it is). Spring is here, and in full bloom, so enjoy it! Also I hope you keep following along with my crazy and hectic week, and I will try my best to keep you updated on Tulip Time events and random things that happen :) Thanks for reading!

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