Sunday, May 5, 2013


This past weekend, I was able to be a part of Forensics State 2013. (Picture of Team bellow)
      Your probably wondering what Forensics is, and no it is not going to dissect bodies or anything to do with science. Forensics is an acting competition. There are lots of different categories of what you can do, from telling a story to giving a speech on something you love. You can sell something, or act out a play/movie/book. The only things is, that you do it by yourself. It is a very independent thing. There are two categories that you can do in groups, one is Duo (which is two people acting out a play/movie/book.) and the other is Multiple (where you act out a play or a musical, usually with lots of singing.)
      This year I did Duo. Me and my partner preformed Steel Magnolias. We didn't make it to semi's or finals, but it was an amazing weekend all the same. The tournament lasted two days, Friday and Saturday. Friday we preformed all day, but Saturday we had some time too kill. Spring has finally hit West Michigan, and so it was one of the first nice weekends we had. We spent a lot of time outside. At one point, the people that I was hanging out with, we all decided to just lay on a hill in the grass and think. So we all picked a spot and laid down.
      I'm pretty sure that was my favorite moment of the entire weekend. Just laying there in the nice warm sun, with a slight breeze. I need to do that more often. I also later sat outside and listen to some music and read my book 'Way of Kings'. (Read it. Honestly, it is my favorite book. I'm on my second read through.) Another favorite moment was when we were randomly walking, and a group of us came upon a birds nest that was in the ground. The mother bird was not too happy,  but the baby's were adorable. :)
      Also at State, everyone was so friendly. I think that was the part that shocked me the most. As being an introverted person, I talked to a ton of people I barely new. So did the rest of the Forensics Team. On Friday night, at the hotel, we were all having devotions and each one of us went around and said a God moment we had seen that day. I think that made me realize that I need to keep looking for God moments in my life.
      Side Story, aka God Moment: (The picture of the sunset, is a picture that I took on the ride home from State. The sky was gorgeous  and the picture doesn't even do the whole thing justice.)
     That's what I wanted to do with this blog, point out God moments and little things I saw at the farm, but I think I can do even more. I can look at school, or on the car ride to somewhere, or when I am with my friends. So I hope that I shall be posting more, and more soon. Some about the farm (probably most of them, especially as summer comes), and some not about the farm. I have no clue if you (the reader), are a Christian or not, but even if you are not - I hope you can still enjoy these moments that make my life worth living.

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