Thursday, May 2, 2013

Pig & Pig

      The other night we were having a staff meeting in the middle of the barn, instead of in Mary's basement. This happened because we had no one to watch the farm, so we wanted to be out there to help guests and watch volunteers. While we where in there, waiting for Mary to come out and start the meeting, two guests walked in carrying three things of apple juice. It was a man and a women, and I had never seen them before. 
      Our barn manager, Holly, recognized them though, they had come to the farm about a week before. The two where not from around here though. They said that they lived 2 1/2 miles away, on the other side of Michigan. They said that they were staying in Saugatuck (which is a nearby city) for a couple of days on vacation. When they stopped by the farm the second time with the juice, they were just on their way home again, but they wanted to stop by one more time. 
       What I find most interesting about this story is that they came on vacation to come to the Critter Barn. If you haven't guessed this is a married couple- I thought I should clarify. A little back story on the man; his nickname is pig. So according to the wife, "When we heard you had the oldest pig, we had to come to get a picture of pig with pig!" So they came out to see Mr. Chops. I did a blog post about him earlier, which you can read HERE. A little summary is that he is a pot-bellied pig who on July 16 will be the oldest pig alive. So this couple came out to see Mr. Chops. How cute is that? 
        When they stopped by, while I was there, they brought him apple juice. This is because we have a small sign about him and at the end it says, "If you want to help Mr. Chops, donate apple juice. He drinks it every night." So on their way out of town, they stopped by with some apple juice for Chops. Thats really helpful for us, because Chops does go through a lot of apple juice, and that stuff if not cheap. At a small non-profit every little bit counts. 
        So that is the story of the couple that went on vacation to see a pig. :) 

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