Thursday, April 25, 2013

Questions of Authority

Today I would like to talk about a little issue that I had the other night.
I had two volunteers come to the farm to work with me, one of them was around 10 and one of them was 13.
      Megan, who was 13, is a very out spoken child. She is great to work with, because she is very hard working and doesn't mind doing the dirty jobs, except she is a bit full of herself. She thinks she is the best, or one of the best volunteers at the farm and doesn't like working with anyone else who is bellow her.
      Then there was sweet Lauren who I did a post about before, who came to work with me again.
The problem that I had is that Megan did Not want Lauren to be around, and she found her quite annoying. So all night she was complaining about her.
      What would you do in that situation? Would you tell Megan off? You probably would... But I just couldn't! I guess I was too nice to yell at her. At the farm I don't want to be seen as the mean person that yells at everyone, I want kids to come and work with me. That doesn't mean I'm not strict and make sure they do what they are doing, but with something like this I wasn't sure what to say.
      Is it right to tell off a volunteer if they are being rude? Is that my place? I am honestly not much older than some of these kids, but I am more mature. I can tell, trust me. I know I can tell them what to do, but beyond that, is that my place?
      That has been on my heart for the past couple of days, and maybe I should have said something. I want to be a good role modle for these kids, in hope that maybe I can impact their lives - even if by just the smallest of ways.

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