Monday, April 29, 2013

Bottle Feeding in the Rain

      When it rains on the farm, the chores do not stop.  This meant that me & my two volunteers had lots of fun the other night. Thankfully we found an umbrella to use while we bottle fed the cows. Lauren would not stand under it because it was a Spartan umbrella, but I would rather be dry so I didn't care. I held the umbrella while the girls fed the calves.

       The calves have finally learned to come out in the rain to eat. For the first week of rain, one of them would come out, but the other one would not. He was too scared of the rain. This meant you had to climb into their pen to get to their hut to feed just one of them. Good thing they are cute. 



         We also have lots more new baby's on the farm right now. I love the little chick with the black spots, you don't see two many of those. Of course we have TONS of baby bunnies to get ready for this summer. Some more ducklings as well. They are all so adorable :) 

The sun has also peaked its head through this week, so hopefully the sun is here to stay for a while. 

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