Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Colorado: Lasting Forever

This story is from day two of my Colorado trip.
Its a small thing that happened, but it still made me smile.
My family and I were walking around, looking at some little shops in the area. We stopped at a small chocolate shop, because well it's chocolate! The shop had all sorts of candy's and some ice cream as well. When we got in there, another family was looking at the candy as well. They had two little girls who were pretty excited by all the candy. The mother was telling them that they could each choose one treat. The littlest girl picked up a giant rainbow lolly pop.
It looked like this. You could tell she was Super excited, and Really wanted it. Her father and mother wasn't too sure, they wanted them to get ice cream, so she turns and says to them: "I want something that will last forever! Not something that will melt like ice cream." Needless to say, that convinced her parents and she got the sucker. I'm pretty sure that little girl is going somewhere in life. 

I've been thinking about what that little girl said, and I feel like she speaks for many humans. Our entire lives we strive to get things that will last forever, a big house, a new car, the love of your life. But in the end, it is all going to go away. Then why do we put so much time and effort into these things? As much as that little girl thought the sucker would last forever, eventually it will be gone. Not to be morbid, but eventually we are all going to die, so why put so much into things on this earth? We could instead be putting our time and effort into making a difference, to make a change in this world. To leave something behind when we are gone. I think thats one of my new goals in life, to make this world a better place - even if it is just in the smallest of ways. 

Picture from:

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