Monday, April 22, 2013

I Am Woman!

     Just my luck that we would get an order of feed the night I am working. But no, not just one order! Multiple orders, enough to fill two trucks and a car. I am pretty sure we have never gotten this much feed all at once before.
     And I'm sure you can guess who unloaded all this feed. Yup. Me! What fun that was. Thankfully Greg was also at the farm that night, or un-thankfully? While I was bringing in bag after bag (and note that these are not light, some of them go up to a 100 pounds), Greg was in the feed room opening the bags.
     The question that I ask here, is how did the guy end up opening bags while the girl was unloading them. Feminists would be proud of course, but it was hard work. Normally I do take pride in being able to 'role with the boys', so to speak. I like being able to unload feed like them, it makes me feel strong :) Plus I Hate being looked down upon because I'm a girl. But by the end of three thousands pounds, I was done. Finally my arms did give out (literally) on me and Greg had to bring in the rest. In my defense I had already unbacked two and a half of the cars - my arms were just exhausted. I was carrying a bag and I just dropped it, and once it was on the ground, it was not getting off the ground. Thankfully Greg unloaded the rest for me and I tried to find space for all this feed.
     I guess from all this you could say that I'm a bit of a tom boy. I like being able to do the things that 'only guys can do'. I'm not really a feminist though, because I do understand that the genders were made differently so sometimes those stereotypical things for guys and girls fit because that is how they were made. Most guys were made stronger than females, not all but a lot of them, and so I do have to ask for help sometimes. I hate asking people to carry things for me, but I'm not exactly the beefiest person ever. I try my best though. I am pretty sure I am not allowed a power tool for a reason though, even though I would love to try sometime.
      Somehow this story turned into my thoughts on gender roles. Just a little insight into my head. Lets hope we don't get any more feed for a while, I've proven my strength well enough for now.

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