Monday, April 15, 2013

Molly Update

This is my third Molly post. I first told her story in Stories of Baby's and then I did another post about her in Molly (Part II). So I guess I just wanted to give you all a quick update on how she is doing.
     Sadly, she is still not up. The good news is that she is still alive. Her baby's are doing quite swell, but we did start bottle feeding them a week or so ago. The little marbled one was the first to go on bottle milk because she was getting less than her sister. We have now put them both on milk, just because we want to make sure they are getting enough to eat. They have learned to bend down to get the milk from mom, but sometimes it isn't enough. We also wanted to make sure that if something got worse with Molly, that they would accept the bottles so that they could keep living.
     This isn't all a bad thing; if anything, it makes the lambs more friendly. They love people, but they also love their mama. The little marbled one will stand on her moms back all the time, which I find sweet. Good thing Molly doesn't mind, and then the little lamb gets a good view of everyone in the pen. For now they are still in a jug pen, but we expanded it so they have their own section of the sheep pen. I'm not sure if we will keep it like that, but for now it works. It just gives Molly her own space to move around and get her own food.
    So everything is going good with her. Molly is healthy and she sure knows how to scoot around her pen. This will be her last set of baby's for sure, she is being retired after this year. I can't say what is going to happen to her, because I don't well know. But for now she is living contently.

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