Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Last night at the farm, I had one of my first night volunteer in a very long time. Her name is Lauren, which is my middle name! So that was a cool connection. She was about 10 or so, so she was younger.
Now sometimes, to be honest, volunteers can get a bit annoying or they can slow you down, but Lauren was great! She liked to talk, but not too much like some volunteers I know. She was also very helpful, and would actually do chores. Of course she took some time to play with the bunnies and baby goats, but I would too if I was her.

The reason I wanted to post about Lauren, is because I have a story.
If you read my last post, you know that it rained all yesterday. At one point it was nice out, but then the thunderstorm rolled in. The two of us had to run around the barn to close up all the doors quickly before it started pouring. The rain sure did start pouring, and soon the thunder and lightning hit.
After everything was closed up, the two of us set off to fill of some waters for the animals. As I was dumping out a dirty one, she turned and said to me, "Do you believe in God?" Immediately I said yes, being a Christian and all. I didn't really think about my answer, because it is what was true.
The thing I love about that, is that she asked. You would think that normally kids would just start talking about God, but she was smart enough to realize that not all people do believe there is a God out there. Her mother has taught her well.
Thats not all though, she then went on to talk about the thunder and lightning. I will sum up what she told me. She said that she believe that when it rains, that God is up in heaven bowling. Each time there is thunder, He is knocking down a bunch of pins and each time lighting strikes - He gets a strike. I just had to smile at her story.
I remember when I was little I used to believe that the Unicorns up in heaven were playing a game where they bashed horns. I also remember being told that God liked to bowl. That story really brought me back to my childhood, plus it got me thinking about the mind of a child. They really do have the best imaginations. You could tell by the way she talked, and the look in her eyes that she honestly believed that God bowls. I hope that throughout my life, I can keep a piece of my child's mind with with. Each time God bowls now, I think I shall be reminded.

This post is turning out to be a bit long, but I have another story about Lauren too. Well I have many, but I have one more to share.
Near the end of the night, the two of us were making up some milk for calf bottles. We use a formula, so we have to mix it with water. That has nothing to do with the story though. The two of us were working on getting those read and she turns and says to me, "You know, your my favorite person to work with." Then she went to list her favorite people to work with, with me as number one and so forth.
Now to you, that may not seem like a big deal, but to me it meant the world. Not gonna lie, I might have gotta a tear in my eye or two.
Heres a little background on why: At the Critter Barn we have a very small staff. There is Brad (He is a middle school teacher and works here in the summer.), then there is Gren (who you have heard about if you read any of my other posts. He is in college.), there is Nate who is in my grade and Holly who is our barn manager. There is also Mary + Wally who own/run the farm. Also there is Jessica who is the newest 'addition', she is a homeschooler who is a couple years younger than me. Maybe one day I will do a post all about them, but that pretty much makes up our staff. For the longest time though, it was always Greg, Brad, & Nate. They are the three boys of the barn. Now as I see it, all the volunteers like to work with them, and I don't blame them - they are great people. The boys have also worked at the farm longer than me, and so they know more kids. The thing is for me though, all the volunteers seem to like the guys. Its always a big deal whether you like Brad or Greg better. It doesn't bother me, but I guess it just feels nice to be a favorite. I love the volunteer, they are honestly my favorite part of the job, and so to finally start to get in there and be recognized by them feels great.
I was a voluntier myself for 7-8 years, and so now that I am staff I want people to recognize me as that I guess. Since before I feel as if some kids did not realize that. What I'm trying to get at here is that I feel like I finally am excepted into this 'group' of cool staff at the farm.
I'm pretty sure I will see Lauren back on the nights that I work, and hopefully I can keep building a bond with her and with more volunteers. If I can just make the smallest impact on any of them... My life will be complete.
Thanks for listening... well reading my rambles and thoughts. I honestly appreciate each and every person that takes a minute out of there life to catch up on mine. :) So a big Thanks to anyone who reads my blog. Goodday.

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