Monday, April 1, 2013

Colorado: Crossing the Finish.

This week I have been on my spring break out in Colorado. My family has traveled out here to ski, and so far it has been AMAZING. The next couple of posts are going to be about, and from our trip (not farm stories! Shocker, I know.) They are just about the trip in general or something little that I noticed or happened.

So first story.
I was skiing down a run and to the side of the hill there was a giant sign that read 'FINISH'. There must have been a race last week or something, because there was none going on this week at all. So there is just this giant finish sign that you can go over, so of course I ski through it and start waving my arms in fake victory. Now to the left there was a chair lift that brought people to the top of the hill. As I went through the finish line, a group of guys on one of the chairs all started cheering for me.
Now it may seem silly, but just that bit of cheering made me feel special. This got me to thinking (I've had a lot of time to think while skiing). We all deserve some cheering in our lives. I feel as if a lot of people focus on the bad in their lives. Maybe thats just me, but it might just be a human thing as well. Is it sad that maybe we come to just expect the bad? Thats not how you should look at life though, we deserve good, and there is good - You just have to look to find. Shouldn't we come to expect good? I could certainly stand to concentrate on it more. Its funny because in Creative Writing we have been talking about how we need to 'widen our keyholes' or in other words we just need to open our eyes and look for the little things in life that make it great.
I just love when things connect like that.
So I guess in conclusion this is a little thing that made me happy today. Those guys probably don't even know how much it meant to me, to be appreciated for doing absolutely nothing.

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