Sunday, February 3, 2013

YouTubers Make Life Interesting! Or not...

      I haven't exactly done anything all too interesting in the past couple of days. Now isn't that a great way to start out a blog post! But I am just being honest. We had a snow day this past friday :) And so I've been at home for the past three days.
      What have I been doing you ask? Or you may not be asking that... but too bad your going to hear the answer anyways. I've been watching British youtubers.
      Now your probably wondering if there is any possible way I can get lamer. Answer: probably not. So to say the least, I've watched a LOT of youtube this past bit.

So heres a list of them!
Charlieissocoollike - I have watched all of his videos, on both channels.
Danisnotonfire - Same as Charlie. Dan is my second favorite youtuber.
AwesomePhil - I'm working on watching all his videos right now, I'm about half way through.
JacksGap - I can never remember the gap part... But I've watched all his videos. His meaning him and his brother. Yes, they are british TWINS! <3
ItsWayPastMyBedtime - aka Carrie Hope Fletcher  I am working on watching all of hers right now too. I've seen most of them though.
Nerimon - aka Alex Day. I've seen quite a few of his videos.

So yeah... All of them are from the UK.
     Now Charlie is the reason I really started this blog, or well one of them. He is still my all time favorite <3 I would love to start a youtube like these guys, I would love to become one of them.... but I don't have the guts to do that. To put myself out there like that. Besides, who would watch me? I mean honestly. At least with this blog it doesn't matter if anyone reads it or not, I can just talk to you all (meaning I'm talking to myself, cause I doubt anyone really reads all of these.) But its still nice to pretend eh? - No I'm not from Canada, but funny side fact is that most Englanders (is that a word?    What would you call them? I have no clue...) Well they say Eh more than Canadians do. Canadians apparently don't really say eh much, or at all. That is what I've heard from many people, and yes some of them were from Canada so I'm not making this up.
     So now you know what I've been doing. What a life I have :) Actually I've been hanging out with my family a lot this weekend too. Which is a nice change, and I hope to keep doing that more. I think that means I've hit the stage in a persons life from being a teenager that wants nothing to do with their family to actually enjoying spending time with their family. Over this past year, I think that has been beginning to become more and more true with me, and I like it.
     I think thats what I am going to go do now, find out what they are up too! So Ciao.

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