Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Precious Moments

Today I went to the Boys & Girls Club again. This time we brought angora rabbits (if you have never seen one, look up a picture, they are Sweet!) and we also brought a very special surprise for the kids. We brought not even two week old baby bunnies. They were lops, and absolutely adorable.
Thats not what I really wanted to write about though. At the very end, I went back downstairs to go get the last cage of rabbits and to grab the tarp we had put down on the ground. I was folding up the tarp and this little girl runs into the room from out where she had been playing. She comes up to me and give me this giant hug, thanks me for coming and then runs off. My heart melted, to say the least. Its those precious moments in life that I live for. It honestly really hit me, how blessed I am.
Even just one small smile from a little girl, can turn my entirely awful week around. Thats one of the great things about kids.
I hope that in the future, I can see a ton more precious moments. I can't wait. :)

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