Thursday, February 28, 2013

You are Perfect.

You are Perfect.

I am perfect. Thats what I learned today, that I am perfect. A lot of the time I feel like I am always trying to improve something about myself. Mostly this refers to something about my personality. For example, I try to be funnier (yes thats a word, my spell check is not underlining it!), or less sarcastic, or just nicer all around, but in the end I'm just me. I was driving home tonight from work, and all this really just hit me out of the blue. In the Bible, God says many times that He made you unique and in his image. Also He says that he loves us just the way we are. Before I have always thought that yes, God made me the way He wanted me, but yet there were things that would make me even better like if I used less sarcasm or if I was more out going. The thing is, I don't need to do that for God to love me. When He looks at me, all He sees is perfection. I don't know if you understand, but this blows my mind. God doesn't want me to be more out going, He made me to be introverted sometimes and He loves that about me. Now I don't want to speak for God here, but look at the facts. This is what he sees in everyone, in all of us. We are all made perfectly, we don't need to change. I feel like a lot of time, Christians are put under a lot of pressure to always be improving in our faith and in ourselves. Now I have taken this more personally, and I'm sure so have others, that we need to change ourselves to grow our faith and be better for God. But what I'm saying is that you don't have too! Yes, you can grow your faith, but in the process you don't need to totally have a personality make over.
In conclusion - as cheesy as it sounds - I am perfect, just the way I am. There is no need to stress about becoming a 'better' person, it will come all in due time. God is still molding me, and shaping me into the person he wants me to be. So I will just keep being me, as best as I can.

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