Friday, February 15, 2013

Cran-Hill Ranch Weekend

So of course this would happen to me.... This is actually my second time writing this post. I tried to add more pictures, and it deleted all my words! Not like I just spent 24 minutes writing this.... Oh well!

This weekend my friend Anne & I went up to Cran-Hill Ranch for the weekend. We went up to volunteer and help out in the barn. For me it was nice to just get away from my hectic life of late. On Sat. we helped out with three trail rides. It was nice to be back on a horse again, even if it was pretty cold. Then on Sunday we helped out with Pony Rides at Winterfest. The thing about that, it was raining and cold - so it was a freezing rain. Us and the horses were not too thrilled... but in the end it was fine. Anne & I had to leave early because of the roads, they were getting icy.

That leads into another thing, we sorta got lost. Well maybe not lost, but we took a slight detour. Somehow we got on the wrong exit and got on some other road, and twenty minutes down we realized we didn't know where we were. So we stopped at a rest stop and found out we had to go twenty minutes back to find the right road. More bonding time for us I guess :)

In the end it was an amazing weekend, despite the cold. It was nice to just be in the barn with the horses and to be able to help any way we could. Oh! Funny story. So for the night we slept in a trailer thing, that had a bunch of bunks in it for the different volunteers that were staying the weekend. When we got there, we were the last ones to get spots so we didn't have much choice. No one else when we were there, and so we went in the last room that had the only bunks left. One persons stuff was in there, and as we looked at it, it looked like a guys. There were guys flip flops sitting out, and so we didn't know what to do. We wanted to go to bed cause we were tired, but no one was back. So we set up our stuff, hoping that it wasn't actually a guy. Thankfully it turned out to be a nice lady, so it was all good in the end, after our slight freakout.

So bellow are just a few pictures from this weekend :)

The sun was setting.... beautiful.

We got to hang out with my favorite halflingers while waiting to run them up to where they stay for the night.

The drive up was BEAUTIFUL. The sun was just rising, and there was ice on all the trees.

More horsies :)

This was one of our trial rides. Too bad the girl in front of me is riding a bit crooked XD

The sun on our trail ride - once again beautiful. 

This weekend was just what I needed. 

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