Monday, February 18, 2013

House/Barn Sitting

This past weekend I had another exciting adventure! I stayed overnight at the Critter Barn. I was house sitting for Mary as her and her husband where gone for valentines weekend. Nothing all to exciting happened besides my lack of sleep. This only happened because I was so paranoid of every little creak and sound that was made that night. Over all though, it was really nice :) I got to take Cooper for a walk, and I had some nice bonding time with Buddy Bear (who is there house dog.) Bellow are just a few pictures of the weekend I thought I should share with ya'll.

Cooper made some friends with the ducks... More like they quacked super loudly as he sniffed about.

Sense this blog is called Woolies, I thought I would actually take some pictures of the sheep to show you.... but all my pictures of the sheep turned out blurry, besides this one. So random sheep starring at you. They were actually all on the other side of the pen because they were too scared of me. *shakeshead* Silly sheep. 

Cooper's so cute :)

If you haven't noticed yet, he loves to lick snow.

I got to take him for a walk :) *achievement unlocked*

Awwwz..... <3 

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