Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Moon

There was a full moon the other night, but when I took a picture - I found there was more than just a moon. Trick of the light I supposed, but I do wonder why this happens with just the moon. I've seen another picture like this, taken by a friend, and its just the same.

A small poem about this picture.

Two extra orbs just flouting about.
One green, one white.
Still round as can be.
Illumination in the night
The moon shining bright
Dazzling the world for all to see.
Two silent mimes
Coping the one above.
Not the same - yet they try.
Separate by a still black that seeps through their light.
Light & Dark.
Black and white... and green?
A hint of yellow.
The night sky.

We've been working on poems in creative writing.
I don't think I'm getting much better.
I feel like all of my poems are like this. Bits and pieces of random thoughts that sorta fit together, but not really. Not sure if thats good, or not. I do enjoy the moon picture though :) Plus it got me writing, and thats always a good thing. I challenge you to stop for just about five minutes when the next night near you rolls around, and take in the beauty or the lack of the moon. The night sky is something to behold. I don't think you will regret it.

You are Perfect.

You are Perfect.

I am perfect. Thats what I learned today, that I am perfect. A lot of the time I feel like I am always trying to improve something about myself. Mostly this refers to something about my personality. For example, I try to be funnier (yes thats a word, my spell check is not underlining it!), or less sarcastic, or just nicer all around, but in the end I'm just me. I was driving home tonight from work, and all this really just hit me out of the blue. In the Bible, God says many times that He made you unique and in his image. Also He says that he loves us just the way we are. Before I have always thought that yes, God made me the way He wanted me, but yet there were things that would make me even better like if I used less sarcasm or if I was more out going. The thing is, I don't need to do that for God to love me. When He looks at me, all He sees is perfection. I don't know if you understand, but this blows my mind. God doesn't want me to be more out going, He made me to be introverted sometimes and He loves that about me. Now I don't want to speak for God here, but look at the facts. This is what he sees in everyone, in all of us. We are all made perfectly, we don't need to change. I feel like a lot of time, Christians are put under a lot of pressure to always be improving in our faith and in ourselves. Now I have taken this more personally, and I'm sure so have others, that we need to change ourselves to grow our faith and be better for God. But what I'm saying is that you don't have too! Yes, you can grow your faith, but in the process you don't need to totally have a personality make over.
In conclusion - as cheesy as it sounds - I am perfect, just the way I am. There is no need to stress about becoming a 'better' person, it will come all in due time. God is still molding me, and shaping me into the person he wants me to be. So I will just keep being me, as best as I can.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Precious Moments

Today I went to the Boys & Girls Club again. This time we brought angora rabbits (if you have never seen one, look up a picture, they are Sweet!) and we also brought a very special surprise for the kids. We brought not even two week old baby bunnies. They were lops, and absolutely adorable.
Thats not what I really wanted to write about though. At the very end, I went back downstairs to go get the last cage of rabbits and to grab the tarp we had put down on the ground. I was folding up the tarp and this little girl runs into the room from out where she had been playing. She comes up to me and give me this giant hug, thanks me for coming and then runs off. My heart melted, to say the least. Its those precious moments in life that I live for. It honestly really hit me, how blessed I am.
Even just one small smile from a little girl, can turn my entirely awful week around. Thats one of the great things about kids.
I hope that in the future, I can see a ton more precious moments. I can't wait. :)

Friday, February 22, 2013


Today I switched out os spanish!
The thing is, I'm not so sure about it right now... *sigh*
I honestly really miss my old lunch table, like a lot. I mean my new people are great too, but it doesn't mean I don't miss my old one. I'm not sure if I'm just having second thoughts now for no reason, maybe its just because its the first day so everything is different, or because I honestly made the wrong choice. I don't think I can switch back now though, it has to be too late for that. Maybe I'm just having a bad moment right now... Hopefully it will get better :)
Now I'm in study hall instead of spanish. Gosh, what am I going to do with all this time? Blog apparently, or watch youtube, or read. Thats what I can do! I can read! Sorry random, but I've been reading the hobbit and I'm at a super intense part - near the end - so I want to read. Too bad I thought of this now.... Now that class is almost over. Oh well, there is always next time, or this weekend. I can't wait for this weekend, even though I only had three days of school this week.
I feel like its been like this a lot lately, I'm just constantly tired. Not exactly physically, but especially emotionally. I'm not really sure why, but I do hope that it gets better soon.
Well those are all my random thoughts of the moment I guess. So I hope you have a wonderful day, and I shall post again soon. Ciao!


On Tuesday, my creative writing class went on a field trip! We went out to TwoSinks Pony Farm, which is right near out school. When I was younger, in elementary school, we used to go here to ride the ponies, find our way in the hay maze, and ride in the horse drawn wagon. So this place had many memories, yet it had been a long time sense I had been back. No one was really there when we went, besides our class and two workers who were feeding the animals. Most of the group was following our teacher around, but my friends Kendra + Carly went with me on our own adventure. We were allowed to of course, but we went on our own - away from the class. I'll describe what we did with the pictures bellow. I find it easier to understand what we were doing when you can see it all.

The first thing we saw when we arrived were these two.  They were hiding in a little shelter away from the cold + snow that was blowing. I don't blame them, it was cold - and icy. A few people slipped XD But these are halflinger horses, which just happen to be my favorite type of horse, like ever! They are the ones that pull the carts and wagons.

The thing that gets me about this horse we saw, is how he stands. Just look at that! I have like five pictures of this horse just standing like that. Carly said that it looked like it away about to dance or something. He also has a beautiful colored coat, in my opinion at least. 

The horses bellow are the same halflingers again. After it stopped blowing so much, they came out for a snack. :) 

This was one of the abandoned stalls in the barn that we saw, for some reason they really stuck me. They were a bit eery in my opinion, yet they looked really sweet. Its almost as if a ghost could live here - haunted barn!

The picture on the left is a tree that we found while walking way back in the woods. The snow looked like little cotton balls on them :) For a second we even thought they were real cotton balls, then we realized it was just snow... The picture of a door is just another fascinating picture that I took of the barn. Once again, I know the barn is sorta old, but it almost looks like it could be haunted.

This is the stream that we found, once again way back in the woods. If you notice the ice that is starting to form, it was neat to watch the water just run under it. So the water was still running, bu there was ice on top. Good thing no one fell in, it looked pretty cold.

Twine bucket! Now this is important to me because I understand! At the Critter Barn we have a twin bucket like this, so I felt sorta a connection. Odd, yes. 

To the left we have a beautiful tree that someone cared into, and on the left we have my friend chasing after a duck. I pick the best of friends :) - and no, that was not sarcastic. 

Speaking of ducks... ducks... and even MORE ducks!!! There. Were. So. Many.

This little pygmy was adorable :) I LOVE the markings on his face.

We got to watch the sheep eat!

This is officially the SWEETEST looking ram I have EVER seen! I mean come on, just look at him! 

After the farm, we went over to out teachers house to have hot chocolate....

...and to see her PUPPIES! There are three of them, and they are all very tiny yorkies. They were adorable  absolutely adorable, and thats to say the least. We all sat there and held them and just watched them play for a while. They were ADORABLE!

Look at how cute they are :) For a while we watched them all play tug-a-war with this little toy. One of them, the one on my lap there - whose name is little red - would go off and play with himself while his two brothers fought over the toy. We also got to watch them eat.
So overall, it was a really amazing day with some wonderful friends. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This isn't an easy subjet - Bulling. Neither is this an easy video to watch.
To be honest to you all, I cried through most of this.
I want to dare you to watch it, not because I want you all to feel bad, but because I want you to learn. Learn what? I have no clue, but please - you should still watch it.!

Monday, February 18, 2013

House/Barn Sitting

This past weekend I had another exciting adventure! I stayed overnight at the Critter Barn. I was house sitting for Mary as her and her husband where gone for valentines weekend. Nothing all to exciting happened besides my lack of sleep. This only happened because I was so paranoid of every little creak and sound that was made that night. Over all though, it was really nice :) I got to take Cooper for a walk, and I had some nice bonding time with Buddy Bear (who is there house dog.) Bellow are just a few pictures of the weekend I thought I should share with ya'll.

Cooper made some friends with the ducks... More like they quacked super loudly as he sniffed about.

Sense this blog is called Woolies, I thought I would actually take some pictures of the sheep to show you.... but all my pictures of the sheep turned out blurry, besides this one. So random sheep starring at you. They were actually all on the other side of the pen because they were too scared of me. *shakeshead* Silly sheep. 

Cooper's so cute :)

If you haven't noticed yet, he loves to lick snow.

I got to take him for a walk :) *achievement unlocked*

Awwwz..... <3 

Random Spew of Thoughts.

So this is something that has been on my mind for a bit now, and I guess I just wanted to talk it out. I find that works nicely, so instead of something swirling in your head if you talk/write it out it just helps me make sense of it more.

So should I make a youtube video? *hmmm*
Firstly, am I too self conscious to do this. Cause what if no one where to watch my videos, kinda like how no one really reads my blog (which is fine by me, and if you are reading this then I LOVE YOU :) But anyways, if no one watched them, or if people just hated on me, what would I do then?
Second question. Am I only doing this to try to be like Charlieissocoollike & Danisnotonfire. I can picture myself as one of the youtube elite and well... it feels pretty nice. But come on, like thats really going to happen - be realistic Rachael.
Thirdly. Would making videos screw up my life? Cause they always talk about in school about how things on the internet never disappear + how it can ruin future jobs. I don't want that to happen... So would it really? Cause what if someone, like lets say a volunteer from the critter barn were to search my name on the internet and then they found a bunch of youtube videos of me.... that could be potentially bad right?

I still don't know what to do... I did watch a video that said, and I roughly quote, "Don't make videos to just try to be like the famous youtubers but do it because you have an idea or something you want to share."
At first I was like, 'oh man, I'm just doing it to be like them.' But after mulling it all over, I actually have come up with some cool ideas. I mean I could blog about them too, but a video just has such a different feel.
So after all that, I have decided on nothing. *sigh* Oh well, I should probably be doing other things - sense it seems there is ALWAYS something I should be doing... even as I sit here procrastinating. Oh well!
I guess that wraps up this random assortment of thoughts from me. And once again, thanks -from the bottom of my heart- for reading :) It means the world to me.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cran-Hill Ranch Weekend

So of course this would happen to me.... This is actually my second time writing this post. I tried to add more pictures, and it deleted all my words! Not like I just spent 24 minutes writing this.... Oh well!

This weekend my friend Anne & I went up to Cran-Hill Ranch for the weekend. We went up to volunteer and help out in the barn. For me it was nice to just get away from my hectic life of late. On Sat. we helped out with three trail rides. It was nice to be back on a horse again, even if it was pretty cold. Then on Sunday we helped out with Pony Rides at Winterfest. The thing about that, it was raining and cold - so it was a freezing rain. Us and the horses were not too thrilled... but in the end it was fine. Anne & I had to leave early because of the roads, they were getting icy.

That leads into another thing, we sorta got lost. Well maybe not lost, but we took a slight detour. Somehow we got on the wrong exit and got on some other road, and twenty minutes down we realized we didn't know where we were. So we stopped at a rest stop and found out we had to go twenty minutes back to find the right road. More bonding time for us I guess :)

In the end it was an amazing weekend, despite the cold. It was nice to just be in the barn with the horses and to be able to help any way we could. Oh! Funny story. So for the night we slept in a trailer thing, that had a bunch of bunks in it for the different volunteers that were staying the weekend. When we got there, we were the last ones to get spots so we didn't have much choice. No one else when we were there, and so we went in the last room that had the only bunks left. One persons stuff was in there, and as we looked at it, it looked like a guys. There were guys flip flops sitting out, and so we didn't know what to do. We wanted to go to bed cause we were tired, but no one was back. So we set up our stuff, hoping that it wasn't actually a guy. Thankfully it turned out to be a nice lady, so it was all good in the end, after our slight freakout.

So bellow are just a few pictures from this weekend :)

The sun was setting.... beautiful.

We got to hang out with my favorite halflingers while waiting to run them up to where they stay for the night.

The drive up was BEAUTIFUL. The sun was just rising, and there was ice on all the trees.

More horsies :)

This was one of our trial rides. Too bad the girl in front of me is riding a bit crooked XD

The sun on our trail ride - once again beautiful. 

This weekend was just what I needed. 

Friday, February 8, 2013


       So today in spanish we were taking a quiz. I came across a question that I had NO idea what it was asking, because the question was in spanish. So I raised my hand to ask, and the teacher see's my hand and then goes to another kid that raised her hand after mine. I'm serious I did. So FINALLY she makes her way over to me, and I asked her what the question is asking. She just gives me this look of like 'are you kidding me' and goes, "Its one of your vocab words." Now I don't want to be mean, but she said it in sorta a snarky tone. She then walked away. Then later the kid behind me asked a question, and he gave her what he thought was the answer and she said that was it. So she pretty much gave him the answer. *sigh* I'm just a little bit frustrated I guess... Not much I can do though, I'm pretty much invisible in this class. Too bad I sit in the front row, if I was in the back it at least wouldn't be awkward to be invisible.

Charm They Have Broken

A short poem my table and I wrote in Creative Writing.

Charm they have broken.
Everything Broken And Lonely with questions
rioted in a drift Silently shifting
Forever Hiding difference
Huddled together in a heap Dreaming at last In misery

Boy & Girls Club.

        Yesterday, I got to go to the boys and girls club in Holland. Every week (at least I am pretty sure they are going every week), the Critter Barn is heading over to the BGC and just bringing one type of animal each time. As Mary explanes it, "we are trying to build a relationship." So each week it will be around the same kids, and they will expect and enjoy the CB coming each week.
        Even as we walking through the doors, kids were running up to the front desk and asking if the CB was going to come today or not. One little boy was extra excited, and burst through the doors and before even getting to the desk was asking across the room.
        This time, we brought bunnies. Now this was my first time going, but they had been there one time before. Mary is on a short vacation at the moment, so I sorta went in her stead. So the kids already, sorta, knew Greg, Jane, + Mary (a different Mary), who had been there the week before. Each of them remembered some of the kids, but me, I was just meeting these kids for the first time.
        The first group that came in was the smallest kids, and boy where they cute. Greg introduced me, and they all said hi to me. :) That just makes me smile. Then when Greg asked them to all close there eyes, because he was going to bring out the large fluffy angora bunny for a surprise, they were quite adorable. And surprisingly, they didn't really peak. They were also so well behaved, they were polite, and shared the bunnies really well.
        One of the little boys was holding one of 'my' rabbits, or the rabbits that I was watching, and as he sat on the ground with the bunny snuggled to his chest, he leaned back on me. It was just a sort of simple, yet sweet thing. I guess that just stood out to me.
        Also, we had some extra time at the end, so we had the older kids come. They were just as excited as the younger ones! In a way, they were even more funny to watch. One girl fell in love with one of the mini rex's and that was the only bunny she held the entire time. Two of the girls had two of the bunnies get 'married'. That was quite cute to watch. There were some older boys in this group, and one of them didn't want anything to do with the bunnies, while the other two were just as excited as the girls. One of the boys took a liking to the angora Maya, and they snuggled for quite a while. Greg even made a comment about Maya finally not being lonely... Implying that Maya liked liked the boy. It was cute, and everyone laughed. Some of the girls now had competition!
        Overall, it was a really good time. I really enjoyed being able to see how things work at the BGC. I had always wondered, but never actually been there. Every kid was so nice and sweet, and especially well behaved. They were also excited to learn thing, cause we gave them a short lesson on rabbits. Plus there was a wide diversity of many different age children. I overheard someone talking, and apparently they have about 70 kids each day. They help them with their homework, and they get a snack. Plus they all get to hang out with there friends. As we got there, some of the kids were having a dance party.
        So that was my day yesterday, and I guess it just reminded me how much I love my job.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LOTR > Harry Potter

So In my spanish class we took a vote the other day whether LOTR or Harry Potter is better. How did this start you ask? Well, we are learning how to describe people. So a picture of Gandalf and Frodo come on the screen and some girls in my class literally, yes literally, thought it was Dumbledoor and Harry. (Side note, spell check recognizes Gandalf but Not Dumbledoor. XD Anyways, so thats what got us to talking about Harry Potter vs. LOTR. Also then a picture of Gimle came on, and they thought he was Hagrid  And then they were saying Legoless is UGLY! Yes UGLY! Just because he had long hair..... *sigh* So when we took a vote everyone, except for me and one other boy, said they liked Harry Potter.... That is why I went and compiled a nice list why LOTR is better than Harry Potter. I took these from a bunch of online websites (all listed at the bottom) - So I'm not copyrighting, I just want to inform my fellow classmates about the truth.
So here it goes....

Reasons Lord of the Rings is better than Harry Potter.

1. World – The Harry Potter stories are so accessible largely because they take place in a world very like our own, only with one huge twist; whereas LotR takes place in Middle-earth, which has certain similarities to the world we know, but is mostly wildly different. In fact, I would argue (and I know I am far from the first to do so) that on a significant level it is Middle-earth that LotR is really about: the characters and events are mostly important in how they shape the world, and it is the richness of the world that is the biggest reason for the story’s success. But as neat as Harry Potter's world is, it pales against the richness of Middle-earth. Advantage: LotR.

3. Influence – As I mentioned above, The Lord of the Rings has influenced every fantasy novel since, and that includes the Harry Potter books.  Advantage: LotR.

4. Movies – None of Harry Potter's movies have ever even been considered for, much less won, the Oscar for Best Picture. Seriously, anyone who thinks there’s much of a contest here needs to watch the LotR films a few more times, this time with their eyes open. Advantage: LotR.

 I am still a little awed by the scope of the book. J.R.R. Tolkien has created one of the most incredible worlds in fiction. He clearly could picture every house, field and crag of Middle Earth in his head - from the bucolic Shire to the gorgeous Rivendell and Lothlorien to the eerily magical Old Forest to the dismal and terrifying terrain of Mordor. No wonder then that he needed over a thousand pages (in an omnibus) to describe the minutiae of all these places and more. On the other hand, J.K. Rowling set her series in contemporary England which made her task not quite as creatively challenging. 

…The Best CGI Sidekick!
Say what you want about Dobby, sir, but I never cottoned to the little guy. His actions mostly meant well but they were always illogical, which was intended as cute but always struck me as terribly dangerous. He broke Harry’s arm and nearly got him expelled from Hogwarts and, thus, Dumbledore’s protection. He was a menace and his animation was rough in comparison to the brilliance of Gollum. On the other hand, Gollum, as portrayed by a combination of technical genius and Andy Serkis, was the first fully realized computer generated humanoid character moviegoers have ever seen. He was more than just a program, but a living, breathing person-like being that could have easily been as cloying as Dobby. 

…Justifiably Legendary World-Building!
Obviously, Tolkien is held in high esteem for the amount of detail he put into all of his hobbit stories. From the thoroughly mapped out terrain to the histories of those regions to the completely fabricated, but completely useful Elvish language, Middle-Earth feels as real as Ancient Rome or Egypt. And then Peter Jackson and his effects and production teams brought all those elements to perfect, visible life. It’s easy to take the painstaking details in the movie for granted because there’s simply too much going on to take it all in while you’re watching the movies. Jackson improved upon that so much that there’s an explanation for everything in every single shot. On the other hand, the magical world of Hogwarts in the movies is just as nebulous as the one in the books. You could argue that setting Harry Potter in a contemporary setting abdicates that responsibility, and you wouldn’t be wrong. But that doesn’t make it impressive or interesting.

…Seriously Impressive Battles!
But their spectacle is truly unparalleled and Hollywood should just take a break from large scale scenes of war for a while because nothing will top LOTR. Jackson’s insistence on upping the ante each time has it’s merits, too, raising the stakes in every movie — from the briefly glimpsed prologue to the Battle of Helm’s Deep to the Battle of Gondor and then the storming of Mordor — until eventually our heroes are fighting for the continued existence of every non-Sauron controlled race left. Sadly, the wand-waving antics in the Potter films just can’t live up to that. They’re more or less exciting in their own right, especially when Voldemort and his laissez-faire attitude toward life are involved, but they can’t hold a torch to any of the ones in Rings. Even comparing the gigantic arachnid skirmishes, Shelob wins by a webbed mile. And, really, Helm’s Deep alone might just be the best battle sequence ever put to film.

…The Best MacGuffin!
It’s true that each and every one of the Harry Potter installments featured a MacGuffin of some sort featured prominently in the movies’ titles — the sorcerer’s/philsopher’s stone, the chamber of secrets, a prisoner from Azkaban, the goblet of fire, the Order of the Phoenix, the textbook of the half-blood prince, and the various deathly hollows. Often these weren’t even important enough to mention until the end of the story when Harry’s got to do something about them to justify those titles. However, the One Ring and its destruction are the entire point of all three of Rings movies and they don’t stop until Frodo finally hurls that thing into the fiery pits of Mount Doom.It prompted every action in the course of three films but wasn’t ever really the point of telling the story. 

Because Harry Potter movies got awful after the second one. Lord of the Rings stayed strong the whole series. Harry Potter is also much more boring and are much less fun if you don't read the books. Lord of the Rings is great as a book and a movie and can be easily understood just by watching the movies. Also the characters are played by better actors.

Epic battles, quests, dark lords, Elves, Hobbits, wizards, Orcs, etc, etc, etc. It's an tale of friendship, fellowship, love, loss, and good vs evil. There are no limits to J.R.R. Tolkien's epic masterpiece! 
Harry Potter is a teen wizard who learns witchcraft, and his enemy is looks like deformed child. Seriously, Voldemort is nothing compared to Sauron.


Harry faces creatures such as a big, goofy troll, a sleeping dog, and a face on the back of someone's head. Frodo faces slavering orcs, a gigantic, fiery demon, and a nasty cave troll that basically refused to die. Harry's most grievous wound was a couple of face scrapes from flying around with keys. Frodo nearly got killed by a horrible, dark, poison stab in the shoulder. Harry almost fell off a broomstick while playing Quidditch. Frodo almost fell off some precarious stone steps into a bottomless pit

.Think of how both movies end. Harry Potter ends an exciting year at Hogwarts by defeating the dude who killed his parents and, for no particular reason, winning the House Cup for Gryffindor, thus becoming more popular with his peers. He vanquished Voldemort because of the bond of love he had with his mother, who gave her life that he might live. How perfectly Disney.
At the end of Fellowship, Merry and Pippin are captives of Sauron and his slobbering minions, and Frodo is separated from nearly all his company and headed into the den of evil.

Come ON, people. Would you rather watch junior wizards trying to levitate feathers, or two fully-grown wizards duking it out at the top of a tall tower surrounded by orcs and sharp pointy bits of iron? Possibility of sudden death, NO possibility of sudden death.

Compare the villains, then. Sauron had thousands upon thousands of minions. Did Voldemort have minions? He had one guy helping him, and you cannot have just one minion. Big evil nasties need minions. This is a fact of life.
And don't get me started on the acting. On the one hand, you've got Elijah Wood pale, sweaty, and screaming because of a near-fatal wound. Then you've got "Ow, my scar."

Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings takes a deeper look at evil and good. While the underlying struggle is the same, we see the challenges of Frodo involve a far deeper struggle than simply winning a few simple struggles.
Frodo has to struggle against his inner demons as well as his compassion as he struggles towards his ultimate goal. We see more of the weakness and fragility of ‘good’ throughout his journey and understand that the struggle is not easy and often near impossible.
Evil comes in the form of Sauron; Sauron is more sinister and evil, and although his struggle is also about power, it is also one of creating chaos and destruction, rather than gaining sway over the world. Its far more pervasive and the evil creeps into everything.


Harry is stubborn, he refuses to let anything stand in his way and often disregards the advice of others. Frodo is full of courage and determination; he is honorable and respects and pities his enemies; this often changes his choices. He listens to his friends in adversity, and despite the odds being stacked against him endeavors to succeed.


Gandalf is an amazing wizard and is constantly in the action, fighting orcs and goblins and generally causing mayhem with his huge fireballs. He is the leader of the ‘fellowship’ and has a great influence on events in the world of Middle Earth. Gandalf is a more hands-on kind of wizard. He is constantly in the thick of battle, killing orcs and goblins, while casting fireballs at huge trolls. This hands-on approach isn't limited to battle, as he is the leader of the fellowship and has a great influence on events in the world of Middle Earth. Dumbledore is also a great wizard but takes more of a backseat in the struggle using hints and suggestions to guide Harry rather than getting involved directly. For me, Gandalf is the be-all and end-all of wizards. He comes out all wands blazing and that is what I expect to see in my wizard!

PS. Sorry this turned out to be so long... I'm just... um... Passionate :) And if you didn't read the whole thing - I understand. As long as you believe with me that LOTR is better, then we will get along just fine. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

57 ways to describe snow.

57 ways to describe snow.


YouTubers Make Life Interesting! Or not...

      I haven't exactly done anything all too interesting in the past couple of days. Now isn't that a great way to start out a blog post! But I am just being honest. We had a snow day this past friday :) And so I've been at home for the past three days.
      What have I been doing you ask? Or you may not be asking that... but too bad your going to hear the answer anyways. I've been watching British youtubers.
      Now your probably wondering if there is any possible way I can get lamer. Answer: probably not. So to say the least, I've watched a LOT of youtube this past bit.

So heres a list of them!
Charlieissocoollike - I have watched all of his videos, on both channels.
Danisnotonfire - Same as Charlie. Dan is my second favorite youtuber.
AwesomePhil - I'm working on watching all his videos right now, I'm about half way through.
JacksGap - I can never remember the gap part... But I've watched all his videos. His meaning him and his brother. Yes, they are british TWINS! <3
ItsWayPastMyBedtime - aka Carrie Hope Fletcher  I am working on watching all of hers right now too. I've seen most of them though.
Nerimon - aka Alex Day. I've seen quite a few of his videos.

So yeah... All of them are from the UK.
     Now Charlie is the reason I really started this blog, or well one of them. He is still my all time favorite <3 I would love to start a youtube like these guys, I would love to become one of them.... but I don't have the guts to do that. To put myself out there like that. Besides, who would watch me? I mean honestly. At least with this blog it doesn't matter if anyone reads it or not, I can just talk to you all (meaning I'm talking to myself, cause I doubt anyone really reads all of these.) But its still nice to pretend eh? - No I'm not from Canada, but funny side fact is that most Englanders (is that a word?    What would you call them? I have no clue...) Well they say Eh more than Canadians do. Canadians apparently don't really say eh much, or at all. That is what I've heard from many people, and yes some of them were from Canada so I'm not making this up.
     So now you know what I've been doing. What a life I have :) Actually I've been hanging out with my family a lot this weekend too. Which is a nice change, and I hope to keep doing that more. I think that means I've hit the stage in a persons life from being a teenager that wants nothing to do with their family to actually enjoying spending time with their family. Over this past year, I think that has been beginning to become more and more true with me, and I like it.
     I think thats what I am going to go do now, find out what they are up too! So Ciao.