Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why Woolies?

New blog, new year!
So, strangely enough, this isn't one of those 'new years resolution blogs' where they start for the new year and either post on it for a bit and then give up. This just was sort of a spontaneous and random thing that I decided to start. Why do you ask? Well lately I have become obsessed with instagram (yes I know thats pretty lame...), so because of that I post a ton of random pictures that I'm pretty sure no one cares about. Thats why I wanted to start this, so I can share all those pictures with you :) Plus then I can also write about them, and write what they really mean to me. I'm pretty sure no one will ever read this blog, and I don't blame you if you don't, and I'm honestly okay with that. Sometimes its just nice to talk to someone (or something....) and to know they will just listen. I sorta got this idea from Charlieissocool like. He is my newest youtube obsession <3 The way that youtube has helped him through vloging is pretty amazing, and I wanted something like that. I am not out going enough though to start my own youtube account and start a vlog myself, so I decided to go with a blog instead. I've always loved to write, so you know what, why not!
So why a blog? Why not! Theirs my answer for you.
Now why I named it Woolies.... As I have found for myself, whenever I sign up for a new website I find that choosing a username is the HARDEST part. So if I'm being honest it took me longer than it should to come up with this. Now back to why I started, my instagram photos. I have realized I take a lot of photos from around the farm that I work at (the Critter Barn) and so my friend suggested I start a blog about my work. So why not! So you will probably find lots of updates bout my working life, because honestly I love my job, but there will probably be lots of other things too. Not that I do much else besides school and work, that takes up most of my time to be honest. But you never know with a blog :)
Alright I think I went off into a random tangent, so back to why I named this Woolies. I was trying to come up with some cool farmer pun to put as the name of this blog, but 'farmer girl' and 'hay stack' wasn't cutting it. Thats when I came up with Woolies :) Thats what we call our sheep at the farm, and how we call them to come. And so that is the name that this shall be called hense forth :)
Considering it is late, and it is exam week I should probably stop rambling about my life. But this was a nice exam study break :) Like I said, my life consists of a lot of school work. So off I go to study, ciao!

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