Thursday, January 24, 2013


So you know when I originally said I was going to post a lot about my farm life at the Critter Barn? .... hahaha..... I do have a reason though why I haven't! Its winter, and winter kinda means the slowest farm season. Christmas is done, meaning the Live Nativity is done (thankfully, that really takes a lot out of you). Sorry if you don't know what that is... go look it up at
Anyways! So sense the farm is slow, and we don't get many visitors, plus the day hours we are open are less, that means I get to work less. That means we are all finding lots of others tasks to keep us busy in the lull months. So that just means there is not much new, and not much to post about. Trust me, this summer I will have at LEAST one story each day. Doesn't mean I will post that often.... sense I am super busy in the summer, working, but we will see. So that is my reason for not posting much.

That just means I get to post a lot of other random things going on in my life. Now this post, is going to be a rant. If you can't tell from the title, I'm just in sort of a ranting mood. You see, this week has not been the best (as mentioned in an earlier post). There is just a lot going on, and the start of a new semester and so many other things. Although oddly enough, I have been learning so much. Not necessarily in school so much, but in other ways as well. The thing that really stands out the most at this moment, is that sometimes I just can't controle everything. When something is going wrong, isn't it everyones natural response to want to fix it? It is for me at least. I just want everything to be perfect and good, and I will do whatever it takes to help fix/change/something-else it. But sometimes, as sad as it is, things get out of control and out of the range that you can help anymore. All you can do is try your best, but mostly just step back and let God take controle. That doesn't mean you should just let it all go together, there are still things you can do. Pray, just pray. When there is NOTHING you can do, you can pray, always. You can always try your best, but if thats not enough then thats okay. Not everything you can fix by yourself, sometimes you need someone else's help, and sometimes you just need to realize that you are not God and you can't.fix.everything.
I think thats a good way to end.... You can't fix everything. (even though I never even got to the part where I explane why I titled this "Open Your Dang Eyes." Maybe I will blog about it another day... but for now this is good.)

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