Tuesday, January 29, 2013

God has a funny way of making the world spin. Not literally, but in a way that events work together. Remember my bad week last week? Well in some odd way, it turned out for the best? Sorta. Kinda. I think.
One thing from it though, is that I started to read the Bible more. Now that should be a normal thing for me right...? But I am just so bad at reading my Bible all the time, I can't find the time, or more like I don't make the time for it. But these past two days, I read the book of Ruth and the book of Esther. As odd as it is, I sorta feel a difference too. I can't really explane it, so I won't even try, but believe me when I do say I feel a difference.
Also I found an app on my ipod that gives me a devotion every day - once in the morning, and once at night. I have lots of trouble waking up in the morning but I have found that if I go on my ipod and check my email or facebook I tend to wake up. So now I've been reading the little devotion in the morning to wake myself up, and I read the night one right before I go to bed. And in an odd and sorta geeky way, I sorta look forward to new devotions everyday now. They may not be long or too in depth  but I think its a good start. So that hopefully I can get into a nice habit.

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