Friday, January 18, 2013

Chillingly Beautiful.

So today I decided to take a nice stroll down by the water. You see, I live on the lake and so I have a little mini beech by the edge of the water. The thing is, its no so little anymore, so I decided to go check it out.
Artsy pictures - Yeah :)
If you look at this picture above, that small green line of 'stuff' is where the water used to come up too...

I found this old tennis ball just sitting there on              This is a shot of under my dock, normally you 
the beach, it must have washed up. Who knows           can't see under their at all! 
how long it had been in the water - yuck! 

An entire log was buried under the water!
This is a leaf frozen in ice. Chillingly beautiful. (oh puns! XD)

I'm standing WAY out in the water. It may not seem that amazing to you, but I was pretty impressed. Also thats a pretty stylish hat if I do say so myself.

Artsy :)

I found so many odd things that would normally be buried under the water.

Lots of different shells! These are only a few of many.

I also found a lot of glass.... I'm not sure thats a good thing.

Overall it was super windy and cold. As you can see my fingers are a tomato red, as a result of my no finger gloves, which thinking about now might not have been the smartest idea. But it was quite beautiful out there, you can see the sky is just stunning. So besides the wind and cold, it was a nice stroll. I think that my favorite thing I found was the leaf stuck in the ice, which may be a bit odd. In its own way though, its such a unique and beautiful thing. Just the way that it can be frozen in its perfect, beautiful state. It will probably be that way until the end of winter as well, or at least until the ice around it melts. I do still hope that the water rises soon, so that come this summer we can go out on our boat. At this rate, there will be no water to put our boat in! We just need lots of snow... which I wouldn't mind right now. I'll be praying for snow, although that would mean I have to drive in it.... Oh the dilemmas! I guess we will see what is to come. 

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