Sunday, January 20, 2013


I would like to introduce you all to someone new down on the farm....
So some people have thought that he is a golden retriever, but alas he is not. He is actually a mix of a Spanish Mastif, Polish Tatra, and Maremma. Don't worry if you have no idea what breeds of dogs those are, I had never heard of them before Cooper. He may be small now, but he is going to eventually be 150-200 pounds! He is going to be a freaking massive dog! So I'm trying to appreciate his smallness and adorableness now. Not that he will grow out of being adorable, I don't think that is possible.
Now Cooper did come to the farm for a reason. Mary, my boss and the 'owner' of the Critter Barn, found Cooper at a sheep convention she was at. He is going to be our new guard dog on the farm, and our first sheep herding dog :) Mary had wanted to get one for a while, and now she finally has!

So I think this is my favorite picture of him (above). But the funny thing is, I have like 10-20 different pictures of him posing like this. EVERY time I pull out my ipod to take a picture of him, he sits down, and starts to pose for the camera! What a little stud-muffin.

This is the first ever picture I got of him <3

This picture just breaks my heart.... He was pawing at the gate and whining as I left. He didn't want me to go! :'(


Me and my man <3

Now this will most definitely not be the last post about Cooper. I'm pretty sure you can say I'm obsessed with him. Last Saturday when I was working, he just kept whining at the gate, wanting me to play with him. Don't worry, I did everything I needed to, then right before I left for the day I got to spend five minutes with my favorite puppy :) although I'm pretty sure he is teething. He just keeps trying to chew everything, especially my hand. Good thing he's cute, so I don't mind.

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