Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Snow Dog

             So last week, I got to take a little walk with Cooper :) This of course was BEFORE all our snow melted.... It was 57 degrees yesterday. Its Jan. 30 and its 50 out!!!! So needless to say, all our snow is now gone, but we did have a bunch before it melted! So here are a few pictures of Cooper enjoying that snow :) 

I'm not sure if he enjoyed eating the snow more, or playing in it.  

On the other side of that fence there was a goat. Cooper was just getting ready to pounce, or hunt, or something! That looks like a hunting dog pose to me... He's supposed to be a sheep herder though, not a hunter. 

Gosh, I just can't handle his cuteness!
So the farm got him three weeks ago, and just yesterday he had his first vet checkup. When we got him, he was about 10 pounds. He is now 21 pounds. In just three weeks he doubled his size! I want him to stay small forever.... Alas someday he's not going to be this tiny and cute. He's going to be a giant fuzzy teddy bear!!! Hopefully he stays sweet and friendly. He should though, he is spoiled enough.

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