Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Babies by the Dozen

I finally got some pictures from the farm! You'll be seeing lots of pictures of lambs and baby goats (kids). I don't have much else to say, so just enjoy! I apologize for such awkward picture placement (and some words too), but I'm not sure of the best way to put pictures up on here. So thank you for putting up with it.

The twin lambs above are new borns. They were born about an hour before these pictures were taken. In the picture on the left you can see that we are helping them nurse for the first time. Originally there were three of them, but one was born a still born. It was actually born after the mother passed the after birth, which is a Very rare thing to happen. We've never had anything like it, and it is quite a sad thing in all honest. But the twins that are up above are quite adorable. I love the little one with the white patches on the head. New born lambs are adorable. :) 

The new born twins needed a little medican
So Many Baby's! This is only one pen of them.

Mama & baby :) ~ Nursing!

The two twin lambs above are the ones that I watched give birth. Molly is the mother laying there. She is still down, she can't stand fully yet, but that doesn't mean the lambs can't nurse. They are both attempting to drink at the same time in the picture, but also at times she will lift her but into the air and the two will nurse. It is a spectacular sight. The marbled lamb is my personal favorite. :)

I tried to take as many pictures of baby goats as I could. These are the best ones (the lighting in the barn is not the best, so some pictures are not the most amazing ever.) We have two pens of goats. One with all our French Alpines, and one with the triplet lambs, nubians, and our twin sonins. 

This little goat is my personal favorite.
It was the one that fell asleep on my lap the first time I fed it. 
We have a row of four jug pens set up in our sheep pen for all the mom's and there babies. So many babies!

We have twin sonins this year! We had none last year, so I'm pretty excited.

One of the triplet lambs. This is the weakest one that has trouble getting up, so she likes to lay around a lot. She sure has some spunk though. Then there is me holding the goat I just fed. 

Lambs and kids sure do get along. They are all playmates and sure enjoy each others company. I feel like the lambs may think they are goats ;) 

In this picture, this little lamb is attempting to stand up. This is one of the triplet lambs that was orphaned. They are still pretty weak, so getting up is a bit of a struggle. Plus there legs are so long that they wobble around on them, which can be quite cute. They are doing SO much better than before though. All three get bottles, so it is more mouths to feed. But this means we get some bottle lambs, which are always fun. One thing I love about the triplets are there speckled skin, that you can sorta see in this picture. When they grow older they will not have that in there wool, there wool with be all white. But for now they look adorable. 
SO MANY BABIES! When ever you go in there, you get swamed. 
The french alpine pen is a little more calm. Until you walk in. 

Our one little lamancha hangs out with the french alpines. This little alpine above was a pretty big single that was born. He's a little off white, more of a light brown compared to our normal white ones.

Little lamb 

Babies sure do sleep a lot. 

Little lamb snuggling with mama.

I hope you fell in love with all these babies as much as I have. Next will coming naming them all, which might just be my favorite part. Maybe second to feeding them, but that does take a while. We give all our kids, and the three orphaned lambs bottle about twice a day. It involves a lot of cuddling to get them to drink. Soon enough they will be big enough to drink on there own, and will be begging us for milk (which can be a very loud process with so many babies.) If anyone lives in the West Michigan area I would suggest going to Critterbarn.org and checking out our spring fling. It starts this coming friday. The farm will be open for free and you can come see and maybe even feed if you come at the right times our babies. There is tons of other things to do and see on the farm as well, so consider checking it out. Spring Fling will be going on from  March 29 - April 6! 

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