Friday, September 13, 2013

Summer | Interns

We had four interns this summer. Let me introduce you to them all :)

She has actually been volunteering on the farm since this past January, but she took the position of Intern this summer on the farm. Jennie was our garden lady, and let me just say - she did wonders. There are gardens now in every nook and cranny of the place, and they are all up kept and well loved. I have never tried so many strange veggies before. From hot and spicy leaves, to purple carrots, mint, giant sunflowers, and so many other things that I had never heard of, let alone tried. She is actually staying with us throughout the fall and into the winter, and maybe even longer :) I don't have any pictures of her, but that doesn't make her any less awesome.

Emily just graduated from MSU this past year as an animal science major. She helped with a lot of meds around the farm this summer, and other various things. She was not around as much everyone else (she was still there a lot, don't get me wrong) so I don't have any pictures of her either... My pictures from this summer are actually quite limited. Emily was a great asset to the farm this summer, and she is also going to be helping a bit this fall around the farm.


Audrey was actually an intern last summer as well, so this was her second time around. I have probably talked about her in this blog before. Audrey was actually a volunteer before she ever interned, and I knew her from school - so lets just say that we are pretty good friends. So many good times with this gal, I love her to bits. :)


Where do I even start with Katie.... Firstly she is studying at MSU, hoping to get into vet school this coming year. She sure knows her stuff. She taught classes, helped with volunteers and guests, and made everyone laugh. Katie is quite a character, and you would have to meet her to understand her fully. She is so full of energy and spunk every single day, and I am so glad she took the internship this summer. Things were never dull, thats for sure. Plus I now know the owner of the struggle bus :)

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