Sunday, September 15, 2013

Summer | FOG

FOG stands for Farm on the Go. This is where we pack up a bunch of animals from around the Critter Barn and bring them to a site, like a church or a school or a park, and set up so that people can come see the animals without having to come to the farm. We do parties, and picnics, and special events. There was one almost everyday this summer, and sometimes multiple ones in a day.

One day we even had three FOG, and I did all three. It was quite the day, let me tell you. We started off in the morning going to a VBS at a church. Mary and I started packing at around 6 in the morning, and set up at the site by 8:30. We then packed that all up and switched to a slightly smaller trailer, leaving a few animals behind and just took a few of them to the Kent District Library, which is quite far from the farm. We were there all afternoon and then we packed that all up and went back to the farm to pick up as many animals as we could get into two trailers and brought it over to another VBS. By the end I was so parched, and sick of setting up then packing it all back up. In the end I did get some ice tea and pizza, so all's good that ends well :) But it was still quite the day, and I pray we never have to do that again... Mary agrees.

Besides that one though, we went on so many other FOG's this summer. I went on most of them too. I really hope that we blessed some people as we went out and about. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it is rewarding. Some of the people we go to are not able to come down to the farm. One day we set up at a cancer center down in Grand Rapids. The joy on those kids faces, and even the nurses. There were only about 5 kids that came for the entire two hours - but we sure did have a blast. We brought two baby pygmy goats that just pranced around the entire time and the kids Loved it!

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