Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bunnies & Spare Change

I'm going to start out with my good thing from yesterday. I have a rabbit that I keep outside at my house, that I got from the critterbarn a couple years back, named Clover. Now there was a slight problem that his cage has been slowly falling to peices. Bugs started to live in the wood and the whole thing was just gross. So I had to either buy a new cage, which is hundreds of dollars, or build a new one, or find Clover a new home. I wanted to build a new cage, but to find time while working would be hard. Thankfully the critter barn needed a new breeding buck, so I took him over there. I dropped him off in the morning and then I had to go to a farm on the go. When I got back, Greg and Brad told me I had to go look at my bunnies new name. Apparently, while I was gone, they named him since they didn't know his name. They both had to come with me to see my reaction, so I knew it wouldn't be good. 
They named him Moo Bunny, because he is black and white, so they said he looked like a cow. All day, any time they walked past him, either of them would yell moo bunny! But they would accually moo, like a cow. I'm pretty sure that Clover will be well loved :) 

My good thing from today was when I was in mc Donald's this morning. While I was waiting for my food, I watched two different elderly men drop all their change from their wallets into the little Ronald mc Donald's charity house fund. I guess I don't really ever see people us that. It was such a simple act, and it was so sweet. Way to go old men! 

Also one last good thing was the stars tonight. Breath taking. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I have one more good thing from today. This morning I was at a farm on the to at the local farmers market. We had a TON of volunteers show up, at least over 15. Near the end I saw a bunch of then all crowed in one area. As I walked past I saw one of the smaller girls on the ground crying with her face all red. I sorta sat back and watched the older girls take her over into the shade and sit her down. They got her some water and a snack. Now don't think me an awful person for not doing anything, because the girls got it. I finally walked over and made sure she was alright. She was just having some stomach cramps, but they had it handled. Why it was a good thing was because of the way the girls took care of the whole thing. A few of them stayed with her for the rest of the time, and I saw them all telling funny stories just to make her laugh. We sure do have some wonderful volunteers. 

Eggs go Splat

To be honest, it has been a long and stressful week at the farm, but today was a bit different. Once all the classes were over for the day, we only had a few volunteers and somehow we started a sack race. That's when we all grabbed feed bags, got in them, and raced across the lawn in the back. I got in third :) Then we decided to do some more games, so next was an egg toss. Me and my partner Katie (who is an intern for the summer) got second! It was a close one, we almost won. Then I too am eggs and smashed it on Greg's head. Don't worry, he has it coming. I now have to watch my back for the rest of the summer xD I think it was with it though. 

Good Things.

If any of you read/follow my blog, you probally noticed I haven't been posting nearly as much as normal. That would be due to the fact that it is summer, so I am busy at the farm each day and I don't have my laptop in the summer because it is school provided. This is why I have decided to try to post just one good thing each day. It's simple, and I hope to capture this summer. 

So to start I have two good things from yesterday. 
The first one was when I was teaching the afternoon animal adventures class. We were all washing our hands and one of the girls in the class turns to m and tells me that I am wierd. Automatically I said thank you, because I take that as a compliment. She was a bit confused because I am pretty sure that she did not mean it as a compliment. I think I can say I handled that situation perfectly. 

The second thing happened after I have a tour to a group of preschoolers. At the end they all sang me a thank you song. I was so touched :)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cows for Icecream

Yesterday, we had a farm on the go - where we bring animals from the farm out to show people. We were set up at the Ottawa county fair grounds in one of the barns, and it was sure hot out. There was a picnic going on, that's why we were there, and so they had all sorts of food booths. We were practically roasting in hat barn, and we wanted to go get some ice cream from one of the booths. So we found a good reason to go - advertising for the farm. This involved taking one of the new calfs on a halter and leading him over to the ice cream booth. It was all the way across the grounds, but we made it over eventually! The ice cre was worth practically dragging the cow over :) 

Friday, June 21, 2013


Today at the farm, we had three farm on the goes. That is when we take a bunch of animals from the farm and head out to places. Lets just say that they are not easy, so it was a busy day. Finally we were packing up the last one and there was this one kids that kept hanging around. I had helped him hold a bunny rabbit earlier so I kinda remembered his face. He has one of those faces you don't forget. The thing was that he tried to help me put all the bunnies away and it was kinda getting annoying. It had been a long day and I was tired and cranky and way done. I just wanted him to leave to be honest, I wanted to work alone. Finally I gave in and gave him a job helping put rabbits away all by himself. Thinking on it now, he seemed so proud to help. 

Later that night I was talking to Mary, who is my boss, about a women who she talked to. The women had a son who wanted to take critter camp at the farm so that he could come volunteer. The thing was that her son has a large problem with anxiety. This was when I realized it was the kid who had helped me with the bunnies. I honestly wish I had spent a little more time with him, and gotten to know him. Hopefully he will come back to the farm and I can work with him again. 

This got me thinking a bit about the kids at the farm, and how they all come from different parts of life. I won't go deeply into this now, but at the farm there is a place for everyone. I want to remember that when there is a kid getting on my nerves. I want to effect there lives, and I think that can start with a bit - or a lot - of patience.