Monday, October 28, 2013

Volunteers + New Chicks

These are two pictures that I found from this summer. We had just gotten brand new chicks, only hours old. Looks like there are some turkey's are in there as well. This is one of my favorite parts of the critter barn, the volunteers and new experiences that are always around the next corner. These kids have all held millions of chicks, but there is nothing more special than a just hatched chick.
When I brought them into the barn and all the kids came running up, wanting to hold one of course. I then was able to teach them about what to do when you get brand new chicks. When you take them out, and put them in their new home you have to dip their beak into the water so that they know where it is. Of course it was chaotic with all these kids trying to do that all at once, but it is worth it because it is such a great learning opportunity.
Kid's connect so well with animals, and I have seen that time and time again. To realize how helpless these new borns are, they can't even find water on their own. It teaches the kids how to care, and how to help something that is weak. Also, you have to be extra careful with the new chicks. They are only hours old, and that means they are fragile.
It's the little lessons that I love at the farm. All these things are so valuable in the scheme of life, even if the kids don't realize it at the time.

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