Friday, October 18, 2013

Animal Adventures

This summer I was blessed to teach a class called Animal Adventures at the farm. 

These are just a few pictures that I took of some of my classes. I had one class a week. They would come in the afternoon for two days. All the kids where from the ages of 5 - 8, so it was a younger group. We sure had a whole lot of fun, while learning lots as well. As a class we got to visit every animal on the farm within those two days. Their favorite parts where petting all the different animals, and getting to hold many of them, yet they did learn a lot. It was nice being able to share all my knowledge of the animals with these kids. Some loved the information and just sucked it up. They may be young, but that doesn't mean they can't learn. It was fun trying to come up with analogies to explain the concepts of the animals to the kids.

Teaching this class really taught me what it's like to be a teacher. How to keep kids attentions, now that was a key one. There were only 10-12 kids per class, yet to hold all of their attentions you really had to be talking about something cool. One other thing I learned, is how to share. If you let one kid hold the goat, they ALL have to hold the goat. Everything had to be fair, even if one found a feather; then they all wanted a feather. Kids are funny little creatures, yet they are one of my favorite things about my job.

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