Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Sometimes I lose hope in humanity.
Like when I heard this story: Two girls were at our schools dance this past week. Lets call them Suzie and Ann. The two were sitting at a table when Suzie saw one of the special needs kids from our school sitting alone at the next table over. She suggested to Ann that they go sit by him for a bit. This was Ann's response, "No way! Isn't he special needs? I don't want to be judged. Lets go dance." Ann got up to go dance, but Suzie did not join her. She went over and sat by the boy and talked with him for the next ten or so minutes.

There it is, there is the hope I've been looking for.
Hmmm.... Where else have I seen hope? How about when I was walking down the hall about 10 minutes ago I saw one of my best friends, who is special needs, sitting in a group of kids. We have a special designated reading time for our entire school. Now my friend, we can call him George, struggles with reading. So what were these kids doing? They where reading to him. I don't know how well they know George, but at least they were including him when normally he has nothing to do during that time. They where sure having a good time because they all burst out laughing as I went past.

Then there is another girl, lets call her Jane. She is also disabled. Yet anytime she sees you, she will stop give you a hug, and ask you how your day is going. I can watch her walk down the hallway stopping at least five times or more to greet different people, whether she knows them well or not. People practically line up for a hug in the mornings as she walks into school.

Now what point am I getting to here? To be honest I am not sure what I was trying to get at. I was just upset about the first story, but I think I learned something as I have been writing this. As much as Ann upset me, she doesn't matter, Suzie is the one who matters in the story. She gave up her friend to go sit with a boy she didn't even know. She is a hero. She is someone that I want to be, and that I hope I am. Being a hero isn't about saving the world, its about doing an act of good. Our world needs more hero's like that.

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