Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Changing the World.

As a Senior in High School, I constantly get asked the question: What are you going to do for the rest of your life?
For the past year my answer has been: I have no flipping clue.
Of course that is still true, but I might have come to a sorta answer of these past few months: I want to change the world.
Now don't you dare ask me when. And don't ask me where. And don't even think about asking me how. I still have no clue. Also I would like to clarify, that changing to the world doesn't have to be the same as taking it over. If I can effect just one persons life, that is changing the world. I just want to do something, and do something good.
That is my promise here to you, and to myself.
Heres to a new year, a new goal, and to changing the world.

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