Saturday, August 31, 2013

Copy Donkey

Yes, I know it's been a long time since I last post. But instead of ranting about it, lets jut role back into it :D Kay? Kay!

Today I was working at the farm and I was sitting out back with the donkey Jake . Jake was just eating some grass when this family visiting the farm came up to pet him. I sat there talking to the mother for a little bit about Jake and about the farm, and about her son who was copying everything his sister was doing at the time. He was the typical copy cat little brother. All of a sudden, we see him get down on all fours. He then proceeds to take a mouthful of grass, just like Jake. This kid was copying the donkey! We both burst out laughing, the poor kid found out he did not like the taste of grass all to quickly. I'm pretty sure he wins the copy cat donkey of the year award.

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