Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Unbenounced to me, we got a new horse at the farm. Well he is technically not a horse, he is a pony. He is a pretty big pony though, if I may say so myself. His name is Bentley and he is some kind of welsh pony... or so I have been told. He is the sweetest thing. I went in there to meet him and he came right up to me, which is saying a lot compared to our other horse that struggles a bit. 

Me and a few volunteers brought him some treats last night, which he very much enjoyed. Although he did like to stay in his hut, which I don't blame him for because it was Very cold outside. That just proves how smart he is. Hopefully we will be able to ride him, once he gets settled in more. I can't wait to get to know Bentley better, he is going to be a great addition to the farm. 

The Day I Was a Man.

As the Christmas season is drawing near, I would like to do a throw back to the last Christian season.

During December, the Critter Barn always does a beautiful live nativity. There is a Mary, a Joseph, some shepherds and lots of sheep. This means that we need lots of extra help to keep the farm running and to have people in the nativity. One day last year we were a bit short staffed, and so we didn't have any males on the farm. People kept coming though, so we had to get a Joe somewhere. That is how this happened...

That is me as Joe, and another little volunteer had to be Mary. We were probably the scariest couple of all time, but the people still loved it. A few things I learned that day: beards are itchy and they taste gross. Also wigs are just as bad. I'm thankful for being a women, and not having to worry about growing or shaving a beard. That just sounds like way to much extra work. :) Though it was fun being Joseph for a day.