Thursday, April 18, 2013

Around the Farm

      Tonight was another night to work for me. Not much happened besides more rain. What an exciting blog post this is starting off as... BUT I do have some pictures that I took while there. So I thought I should just share them with you. Enjoy :)

This is one of the pregnant ewes that will hopefully give  birth within the next month! MORE BABIES! YEAH! 

 I worked with Cassie (an amazing voluntier) tonight. She found a hat for Copper and just had to dress him up :)

We also took Cooper for a nice long walk when it wasn't raining too hard. He's getting so big! He is about a third of the size he is going to get right now. So still lots more growing to come.

Lots of baby bunnies on the farm right now. This is one of the tiniest. Its a mini rex and it's mother had 9 babies. Which is quite a lot if I do say so myself. A mama bunny has 10 nipples, so if that gives you a reference. Bunnies don't normally give birth to that many, although they certainly can. We had a bunny give birth to 12 babies once. 

 Last but not least is my favorite baby goat on the farm. Out of all our kids she was one of two girls born to the dairy goats. I'm pretty sure she is also the smallest of the group, but that might just be why I love her. She always comes to the edge of the pen to say hi when I go into where they are. :D I hope she is one of the ones we keep.

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