Sunday, December 15, 2013


Bentley, the farms new pony, is fitting in wonderfully.
I took a group of kids out there to brush him the other day, and he loved it.
Bentley is a Welsh Pony, gray in color, and very fluffy. He sure isn't photo shy, which is good for my sake. So far, he is an amazing addition to the farm.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ready. Set. Live Nativity.

The Live Nativity at the Farm ( started last week.
The farm is all dressed up with lights, the costumes are out, and the stage is set.
Some of the volunteers love to dress up and play a Shepard, while others have to be dragged kicking and screaming to help. Most of the time, if they don't want to do it (assuming we have enough kids), they can do other things. We only have so many costumes anyways, so there are normally three Shepard's.
This is where my part comes in...

I'm Mary.
The one problem that we found this year, was that I have to cover up my purple hair. The tips of my hair is purple, and that is not very authentic... so I had to hide it under the headdress.
The only person missing from this picture is Joseph. He actually showed up late on this day... we almost had to find a substitute.
Otherwise the whole thing went smoothly. It was the first day of many to come.